The Other Kind of Heat 3/3: “You see? There’s still more!”
Posted onAnd thus concludes this saga of sexualizing and inaccurately representing the sauna experience – at least for now. You can view the entire series here .
“Sexualizing and inaccurately representing” might as well be a tagline for every image I do…
Cartoon club
Posted onWhat had years earlier started out as innocently as just watching cartoons and reading comic books evolved into something quite a bit more eclectic and bizarre after the girls had invited themselves to the club.
“Papi’s gonna kill you if he finds out you’ve seduced us like this!”
Posted onStroke fast, stroke hard – no mercy!
Posted onPoor Daniel-san in his crane dick position…
Milking lesson
Posted on“Astonishing what these young men will agree to…”
Posted on“… just to be allowed back to have it done to them again!”
VIP Access
Posted onInvited to the VIP lounge of the club for the first time by couple of the regulars and he quickly discovered that – even with the free entry and complimentary drinks – everything comes at a price…
Sorry for the lack of updates lately. I’ve been busy working on several images the whole time but haven’t managed to give them the required finishing touches until very recently. So, I think i will be getting back to my regularly irregular updates again now.. Cheers!
Melting in Her Hands
Posted onYeah, there’s a bad “ice cream / I scream” pun going on. Probably another one about “cream” too, though I couldn’t think of anything clever or stupid enough.
A Friendly Handshake
Posted on“Good morning, young man,” she said. “I see you’ve already met my daughters.”
“Hnmmmhnhnggghhhh!” I said.
“The breakfast will be served momentarily. How would you like your bacon?”
“Mmmmnngggghhmmmm!” I replied.
“Girls. Please.”
“Crisp, please. Thank you, m’am.”
“I quite enjoyed last night,” she purred – adding with frown: “I’ll admit that I thought you were bone dry by the time we finished, though.”
“Hnnnnggghhhhhh,” I said. I had been.