Erotic art

VIP Access

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VIP Access

Invited to the VIP lounge of the club for the first time by couple of the regulars and he quickly discovered that – even with the free entry and complimentary drinks – everything comes at a price…

Sorry for the lack of updates lately. I’ve been busy working on several images the whole time but haven’t managed to give them the required finishing touches until very recently. So, I think i will be getting back to my regularly irregular updates again now.. Cheers!

Erotic art

“Oh, Robin… you purrrvert!”

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“Oh, Robin… you purrrvert!”

“Don’t you even think of ecatulating without a purrrmission!”

Groan-worthy, yes, but what do you think she likes to hear? Robin may have a pair of heavy, blue balls hanging between his legs but there’s little doubt of who they truly belong to.

Erotic art

Dirty He-Man & Evil-Lyn WIPs

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– It’s not what you think!“

– But of course it is… He-Masochist.”

I played around a bit doing He-Man related stuff starting with Evil-Lyn. For her I modeled her helmet, staff and couple of skulls. She’ll probably need arm bands on her biceps. Pants she can do without – I like how goofy she looks in the second image without any.

I also modeled He-Man some gear and I didn’t even have to rig any of it. I would’ve loved to have used a more accurate hair but he looked like too big of a douche bag with his customary medieval bowl cut. Modelling a new hair might be a bit more work than I’m willing to put into this.

Erotic art

“Just imagine you’re being milked by my little pussy instead, doc!”

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“Just imagine you’re being milked by my little pussy instead, doc!”

Almost a week into the experiment, he had started to wonder if his ambition was to prove his undoing. Not willing to risk anyone else, he’d volunteered for the experiment himself.

His two assistants were quick to tend to any extraneous discomfort he might experience and they kept a keen eye that the experiment proceeded as scheduled. It may have been just the experiment starting to take its toll on his psyche but over the last couple of days he had started to wonder if his assistants’ abundant care – much beyond what their professional duty required – was entirely altruistic. Their methods of distracting him from the discomfort of his position were becoming increasingly… unorthodox.

And the uniforms they had started wearing lately – definitely NOT standard issue.

Erotic art

A Friendly Handshake

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A Friendly Handshake

“Good morning, young man,” she said. “I see you’ve already met my daughters.”

“Hnmmmhnhnggghhhh!” I said.

“The breakfast will be served momentarily. How would you like your bacon?”

“Mmmmnngggghhmmmm!” I replied.

“Girls. Please.”

“Crisp, please. Thank you, m’am.”

“I quite enjoyed last night,” she purred – adding with frown: “I’ll admit that I thought you were bone dry by the time we finished, though.”

“Hnnnnggghhhhhh,” I said. I had been.

Erotic art

The Polkadot Twins

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The Polkadot Twins

Well, they told me they were twins – I didn’t dare question it.

I’ve been working on a bunch of stuff, among them custom morphs and displacement maps for V4 some of which you can see in this image. I did my own versions of some of the morphs that cause terrible looking bending and using these new morphs I may be able to do bigger ladies more easily.

New images coming soon – I’ve kept myself busy with 3D this month.