Erotic art

“Come play with us”

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“Come play with us”

 So, apparently there’s now a sequel for the Shining (the novel) with little Danny Torrance all grown up. I’m sure the movie for it will be something like this…

BTW I was reading this analysis about the meanings of the movie while working on the image (which didn’t speed up the process up… 🙂 Very fascinating, even if you don’t agree with (all of) it. Great eye for detail, and there sure is a lot of stuff in the film …

Erotic art

VIP Access

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VIP Access

Invited to the VIP lounge of the club for the first time by couple of the regulars and he quickly discovered that – even with the free entry and complimentary drinks – everything comes at a price…

Sorry for the lack of updates lately. I’ve been busy working on several images the whole time but haven’t managed to give them the required finishing touches until very recently. So, I think i will be getting back to my regularly irregular updates again now.. Cheers!

Erotic art

“Oh, Robin… you purrrvert!”

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“Oh, Robin… you purrrvert!”

“Don’t you even think of ecatulating without a purrrmission!”

Groan-worthy, yes, but what do you think she likes to hear? Robin may have a pair of heavy, blue balls hanging between his legs but there’s little doubt of who they truly belong to.

Erotic art

A Friendly Handshake

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A Friendly Handshake

“Good morning, young man,” she said. “I see you’ve already met my daughters.”

“Hnmmmhnhnggghhhh!” I said.

“The breakfast will be served momentarily. How would you like your bacon?”

“Mmmmnngggghhmmmm!” I replied.

“Girls. Please.”

“Crisp, please. Thank you, m’am.”

“I quite enjoyed last night,” she purred – adding with frown: “I’ll admit that I thought you were bone dry by the time we finished, though.”

“Hnnnnggghhhhhh,” I said. I had been.

Erotic art

Campaign Video

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Campaign Video

The enterprising DIY girls from the muddy banks of Southern Mississippi chip in the electoral campaign for Candidate Laramie.

Laramie’s campaign materials which “You may use any of our material free of charge for any reason” courtesy of Westboro Baptist Church. What an endearing bunch they are… “Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind; it is abomination” but getting fucked up the ass by womankind kind of changes the application of that rule, doesn’t it?